Sunday, 22 October 2017

Neo Liberal Educational Policies

Neo Liberal Educational Policies
There are three factors in policies.
1.    Liberalization
2.    Privatization
3.    Globalization

1.   Liberalization
Liberalization means elimination of state control over individual’s economic activity. It provides greater autonomy to the private enterprises in decision making and implementation. It means abolishing of licenses, liberalization of foreign investment, relaxation of investments etc.
2.   Privatization
Privatization is the transfer of control of ownership of economic resources from the public sector to the private sector. It means the decline of the role of the public sector.

3.   Globalization
Globalization means integration of the national economy with the world economy. It implies free flow of information, ideas technology, goods and services, capital and people across different countries. It is the concept of world economy without the restriction of country boarders.
Merits of globalization
Ø Improvement in economic and educational activities.
Ø Free flow of goods and services and ideas throughout the world.
Ø Free flow of technology.
Ø Production of international quality.
    Demerits of globalization
Ø Domestic companies are unable to withstand due to international competition.
Ø Under development of indigenous technologies.
Ø Increases disparities.

Merits of Privatization of Education
Ø Global access
Ø Increased facilities of education
Ø Quality education
Ø Reduce the financial burden of government.
Ø Increased opportunities for education.
Ø More freedom to individuals.
Ø Reduced completion for admission.
Ø Increased international standards of education
Ø Increases literary rate.

Demerits of Privatization of Education
Ø Increased cost of education
Ø Increases in inequality.
Ø Disparities in the quality of educational institution.
Ø Creates regional imbalances.
Ø Decreased quality of education.
Ø Competition between institutions.
Ø Profit motive.

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