Thursday, 12 January 2017


Exponent of Action Research : Stephen M Corey.

Action research and teacher:
Action research may be said to be research of the teacher, for the teacher and by the teacher.
Definition of action research:
According to Stephen M Corey, ‘action research is a process for studying problems by practitioners scientifically to take decision for improving their current practices.’
What is Action Research:
Action research is also known as ‘on the spot research’ and ‘the research of here and now’. This indicates that its goals are proximate and not remote. Whenever a problem is encountered, systematic and scientific approaches of research are adopted for solving the problem then and there in a local setting. Artificial laboratory settings or formal arrangements are not required. The routine functions of the institution or organization, where the study is conducted, need not be disturbed. Research is combined with routine professional practice. Stephen M. Corey who developed this method of research has commented that action research is ‘like repairing a car while it is running’. The objective of this research is not in theory building, nor finding out the ultimate truth; but solving a felt problem which hampers smooth practice. The application of the findings is local and immediate. It can be conducted by any professional who confronts the problem and wants to find out an immediate solution. A research guide’s rigid stipulations need not be adopted. But even then, the basic requirements of the scientific methods are met. Hence if a person is using the systematic steps of research in solving his problem, it is action research. The action programme that follows, ie, the use of the results for remedial purposes (action for improvement), is the soul of action research.
Peculiarities of action research:
1.     Action research in education is concerned with school problems and is carried on by school personnel to improve school practices.
2.     Compared with other kinds of educational research, it is simple and easier to conduct. Educational research of a theoretical nature seeks to discover new knowledge; action research aims at gathering evidence and strategies of solution with respect to a specific problem; sampling bias is less in action research because the small group with which the teacher faces the issue itself forms the sample.
3.     Action research is organized investigative activity, aimed towards the study leading to constructive change required for the qualitative improvement of the work of the specific endeavor concerned especially when problematic situations arise.
4.     It is research designed to find the solution for a felt problem, that demands investigation and have direct application in the setting in which the research is conducted.
5.     Action research is a type of applied research or decision- oriented research. The researcher is the practitioner himself, who will take the decision and enjoy its benefit.
6.     Action research is undertaken to solve an immediate practical problem that cannot be solved by ordinary strategies. The goal of adding to scientific knowledge is only secondary or even tertiary.

Objectives of action research:
1.     To improve the condition of various infrastructural facilities of an educational institution.
2.     To develop scientific attitude among teachers whereby they are motivated to study problems scientifically before taking decisions about complicated issues.
3.     To develop scientific attitude among teachers and students while understanding and solve their problems.
4.     To bring excellence in the working style of the institution.
5.     To develop the ability and insight among administrators to improve and modify institutional conditions with a scientific outlook.
6.     To root out the conservative and static environment prevailing in most educational institutions.
7.     To make the educational system capable of generating a healthy environment conducive to learning.
8.     To raise the level of performance and the level of aspiration of the students.

Key points to be taken care of while doing action research:

1.     Ensuring empirical support, authentically and hence acceptability to the actions taken by a practitioner in a situation involving an issue, the solution for which was not evident.
2.     Arriving at feasible and fruitful from the consequences of changes.
3.     Working out self reflective cycles of planning, implementing, observing, reflecting and preplanning.
4.     Adoption of participatory, collaborative strategies.
5.     Gathering of evidences to decide whether ideas, assumptions and previous practices have been false or incorrect ( or both).
6.     Have open mindedness critical attitude towards issues and their solutions.

Steps in action research:
1.     Identification of the problem.
2.     Pin-pointing the problem.
3.     Analyzing the causes of the problem.
4.     Formulating action hypotheses.
5.     Development of a design for testing the action hypotheses
6.     Drawing conclusion.

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